2015年10月6日 星期二
2015年8月1日 星期六
Terms and Conditions of Call Saver APP
(Updated at June, 2015)
Please read the following terms and condition carefully before you use the services provided on the Website and the Call Saver APP (the “APP”). If you choose to enter the Website and/ or use the APP, this will be deemed as agree to accept and be regulated by the Terms and Conditions herein.
1. Service Description
Call Saver APP is an application which can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. Users can dial the customer service numbers of the major corporations or government agencies, and the APP will help you to skip all the transfer procedure and voice mail and directly access to the clerk in order to save time and call charges.
2. Fee and Refund
(1) The APP can be downloaded without charge and provide you 3 months of free tryout. If you choose to pay for the professional version, you can extent the availability date or remove ads or use additional functions. If you have paid for downloading the APP, please follow the refund policy of Google Play or Apple Store. For other inquiries, please mail to service@callsaver.cc.
(2) The APP can serve you while dialing the telephone numbers of the major corporations or government agencies, the fees generated from a call is collected by respective telecommunication companies instead of the APP.
(3) The APP provides services with Internet transmission, such as receiving pushup notification from the application, mobile advertising service and the collection of data mentioned in Privacy Policy. If you adopt the unlimited data plan for mobile internet, and it will not have any effect. If you adopt the limited data packs plan for mobile internet, please note that if you turn on the APP, there might be some data transmission activities.
3. Maintenance of Data Accuracy
We make our best effort to maintain the accuracy of the customer service number of each major corporation and the dial rules of direct access to the clerk collected by us, but we do not guarantee the data we provided is the correct and up-to-date information.
If you discover there is an error with the data, please mail to service@callsaver.cc. We will constantly correct the data and we need you to update the APP from time to time in order to maintain the accuracy of the APP with your mobile phone.
4. Correction and Termination
We will constantly modify or improve the Website and the APP. We might add or remove certain function or trait, or might suspend or terminate certain service. You might stop to use the Website and the APP from time to time.
5. Warranties and Disclaimers
We will apply reasonable technics to maintain the service quality of the Website and the APP. We hope you can enjoy the services, provided that we do not make any specific promises. For instance, we will not make promises for: the reliability and availability of the APP, the eternal correctness of the dialing data and how much money and time would be saved.
If the number you dialed is inactive, cannot access to the clerk or accrues fees, due to the alterations of the number, the dialing rule or other reasons, after we receive the report from the users via e-mail (service@callsaver.cc) we will take care of the problem with technically available measures. However, we will not be liable for any fee which has been generated from the call.
6. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
Per our services is constantly improving, this Terms and Conditions will be modified accordingly from time to time. We will set out the updated dates in the beginning of this Terms and Conditions. If you choose to enter the Website or use the APP continually after we publish the amendment of the Terms and Conditions on the Website you will be deemed as willing to accept the amendment of the Terms and Conditions. If you are not willing to accept the amended Terms and Conditions, please cease entering the Website or using the APP.
7. Privacy Policy
Please read the Privacy Policy of the Call Saver APP, in order to know which data is collected by the APP and how the APP utilizes and protect such data.
8. Trademark of Third Parties
The Website and the APP collect customer services number from major corporations and government agencies. And in order to make the users understand the dial function, we need to clearly present the name of major corporations and government agencies. Please noted that the name and trademark of major corporations belong to such corporations or government agencies, and the adoption of their name and trademark do not indicate that there is a direct relationship between such corporations or government agencies and us. If there is a direct cooperation and partnership between such corporations or government agencies and us, it will be listed in the profile of the APP.
9. Underage Users
If you are under the age of twenty years old, you shall comply with the Terms and Conditions herein, and furthermore, you shall have your parents (legal representative) read, understand, and agree to accept all of the contents and the subsequent changes for you to use or continue the use of the Website and the APP. When you use or continue to use the Website and the APP, the presumption shall be made that your parents (or legal guardian) have already read, understood, and agreed to accept all of the contents and the subsequent changes.
10. Intellectual Property Rights
All copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, other intellectual property rights, ownership, and/or other rights in and to the software and applications used and provided by the Website and the APP are owned by us and/or its principals, who reserve all their rights in law and equity. Any person without a written authorization shall not be entitled to any rights to the use of the software or any part of the applications used and provided by the Website and the APP. You shall not use any of the software and applications used and proved by the Website and the APP in the following manner, including but not limited to: sell, trade, resell, sublicense, modify, convert, link, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, or for any commercial purposes.
If you have any question concerning this Terms and Conditions, please mail to service@callsaver.cc.
Please read the following terms and condition carefully before you use the services provided on the Website and the Call Saver APP (the “APP”). If you choose to enter the Website and/ or use the APP, this will be deemed as agree to accept and be regulated by the Terms and Conditions herein.
1. Service Description
Call Saver APP is an application which can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. Users can dial the customer service numbers of the major corporations or government agencies, and the APP will help you to skip all the transfer procedure and voice mail and directly access to the clerk in order to save time and call charges.
2. Fee and Refund
(1) The APP can be downloaded without charge and provide you 3 months of free tryout. If you choose to pay for the professional version, you can extent the availability date or remove ads or use additional functions. If you have paid for downloading the APP, please follow the refund policy of Google Play or Apple Store. For other inquiries, please mail to service@callsaver.cc.
(2) The APP can serve you while dialing the telephone numbers of the major corporations or government agencies, the fees generated from a call is collected by respective telecommunication companies instead of the APP.
(3) The APP provides services with Internet transmission, such as receiving pushup notification from the application, mobile advertising service and the collection of data mentioned in Privacy Policy. If you adopt the unlimited data plan for mobile internet, and it will not have any effect. If you adopt the limited data packs plan for mobile internet, please note that if you turn on the APP, there might be some data transmission activities.
3. Maintenance of Data Accuracy
We make our best effort to maintain the accuracy of the customer service number of each major corporation and the dial rules of direct access to the clerk collected by us, but we do not guarantee the data we provided is the correct and up-to-date information.
If you discover there is an error with the data, please mail to service@callsaver.cc. We will constantly correct the data and we need you to update the APP from time to time in order to maintain the accuracy of the APP with your mobile phone.
4. Correction and Termination
We will constantly modify or improve the Website and the APP. We might add or remove certain function or trait, or might suspend or terminate certain service. You might stop to use the Website and the APP from time to time.
5. Warranties and Disclaimers
We will apply reasonable technics to maintain the service quality of the Website and the APP. We hope you can enjoy the services, provided that we do not make any specific promises. For instance, we will not make promises for: the reliability and availability of the APP, the eternal correctness of the dialing data and how much money and time would be saved.
If the number you dialed is inactive, cannot access to the clerk or accrues fees, due to the alterations of the number, the dialing rule or other reasons, after we receive the report from the users via e-mail (service@callsaver.cc) we will take care of the problem with technically available measures. However, we will not be liable for any fee which has been generated from the call.
6. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
Per our services is constantly improving, this Terms and Conditions will be modified accordingly from time to time. We will set out the updated dates in the beginning of this Terms and Conditions. If you choose to enter the Website or use the APP continually after we publish the amendment of the Terms and Conditions on the Website you will be deemed as willing to accept the amendment of the Terms and Conditions. If you are not willing to accept the amended Terms and Conditions, please cease entering the Website or using the APP.
7. Privacy Policy
Please read the Privacy Policy of the Call Saver APP, in order to know which data is collected by the APP and how the APP utilizes and protect such data.
8. Trademark of Third Parties
The Website and the APP collect customer services number from major corporations and government agencies. And in order to make the users understand the dial function, we need to clearly present the name of major corporations and government agencies. Please noted that the name and trademark of major corporations belong to such corporations or government agencies, and the adoption of their name and trademark do not indicate that there is a direct relationship between such corporations or government agencies and us. If there is a direct cooperation and partnership between such corporations or government agencies and us, it will be listed in the profile of the APP.
9. Underage Users
If you are under the age of twenty years old, you shall comply with the Terms and Conditions herein, and furthermore, you shall have your parents (legal representative) read, understand, and agree to accept all of the contents and the subsequent changes for you to use or continue the use of the Website and the APP. When you use or continue to use the Website and the APP, the presumption shall be made that your parents (or legal guardian) have already read, understood, and agreed to accept all of the contents and the subsequent changes.
10. Intellectual Property Rights
All copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, other intellectual property rights, ownership, and/or other rights in and to the software and applications used and provided by the Website and the APP are owned by us and/or its principals, who reserve all their rights in law and equity. Any person without a written authorization shall not be entitled to any rights to the use of the software or any part of the applications used and provided by the Website and the APP. You shall not use any of the software and applications used and proved by the Website and the APP in the following manner, including but not limited to: sell, trade, resell, sublicense, modify, convert, link, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, or for any commercial purposes.
If you have any question concerning this Terms and Conditions, please mail to service@callsaver.cc.
2015年7月31日 星期五
Call Saver APP 隱私權政策
本文說明「Call Saver APP」的隱私權政策。請您詳細閱讀,本文不定期更新,您若繼續使用「Call Saver APP」,即代表您同意相關此政策。
1. 個人資料之類別
當您使用「Call Saver APP 」(下稱「本APP軟體」)時,本團隊會蒐集下列類別的個人資料:網路IP、手機所屬電信商代碼等,如果您有付費使用到Google Play Store或App Store的應用程式內付費功能,則依照市集平台的系統內建功能,在付費的交易紀錄裡,收集姓名、email、以及郵遞區號資訊。
2. 資料的收集與應用
「Call Saver APP Server 端,有收集下述資料:
(1) 當撥打內建在APP裡的各企業客服電話時,會匿名性記錄撥打次數、時間、所在國家、位置資訊(Location),以統計本APP的使用效益,另未來可能依照此電話號碼做相關加值應用,或者是分析報告統計。
(2) 當您透過網站或者是APP回報意見或問題時,寄信所使用之email。此蒐集目的作為處理問題後,回覆您之用途,不會販賣給第三方使用。
(3) 當您新增自行定義的電話號碼時,若有勾選與社群分享,則所填寫的公司名稱與電話號碼,亦將傳送到Server 端。此資料,將經過篩選後,提供在未來改版,提供給用戶使用。
(4) 當您使用搜尋功能時,所輸入的關鍵字內容。此部份是用來持續強化改善本APP使用,關鍵字亦可用來提供相關連的資訊推薦,或廣告推薦用途。
(5) 本APP有採用Google Analytics,匿名性的收集瀏覽各頁以及撥號紀錄狀況,以持續改善,調整出使用者最喜歡常用的內容。
(6) Google Play 付費,或者App Store 的付費版本,兩平台的市集,會紀錄您的email 、姓名,以及郵遞區號,這些都屬於系統的紀錄,我們不會拿來對外界公開。
(7) 收集手機的裝置代碼 (device ID 或device token ),作為推播訊息使用。
3-1. 第三方函式庫整合
(1) 本APP軟體有採用Google官方的APP流量統計軟體Google Analytics來評估APP各項功能操作的行為,目的是為了改善優化產品,提供更適合用戶偏好喜歡的內容。
(2) 本APP軟體整合行動廣告服務,會使用到第三方廣告系統的函式庫,目前使用 facebook與
mmedia 公司 。
(3) 本APP軟體,查詢在地餐廳、咖啡廳、飲食,採用Yelp API,查詢時,會使用手機拿到的座標經緯度,來搜尋附近推薦店家。
3-2. 關於轉接代碼的確認同意情境
4. 本軟體不會收集的項目
凡是您自行新增之撥打號碼規則,「Call Saver APP」不會做收集,以維護您的個人隱私。
5. 「Call Saver APP」的資料儲存與保護
「Call Saver APP」為方便用戶使用,提供多項個人化設定功能。包含「我的最愛清單 」、「新增撥號規則」。這些都是儲存在手機的記憶體內,請您妥善保管手機。另建議您在新增智慧撥號規則時,不要新增有關個人隱私的資料,譬如:身分證字號、信用卡號、生日等等,以減少手機遺失或遭駭客攻擊時的威脅。
6. 同意個人資料之蒐集、處理、利用或國際傳輸:
7. 除下列情形外,本團隊不會任意將您的個人資料出售、轉讓或揭露予任何第三人:
(1) 本團隊/本APP軟體將因法律規定、法院命令、行政調查或其他法律程序的要求而提供您的資料,惟在此情形下,該資料只會單純提供予調查單位,並受中華民國相關應適用法律的保護。
(2) 為了調查和防止非法活動、涉嫌詐欺、對人身安全有潛在威脅的狀況、對本團隊/本APP軟體服務條款的違反,或為了對上述情形採取應對措施。
(3) 本APP軟體或本團隊被其他公司收購或合併,我們有權利將您的個人資料移轉給該公司。如果發生這種情況,本APP軟體會在您的個人資料被移轉且將適用不同的隱私權政策前通知您。
8. 個人資料之安全
Call Saver 客服省錢通下載:
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cc.callsaver
App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/call-saver-ke-fu-sheng-qian/id612297651?l=zh
本文說明「Call Saver APP」的隱私權政策。請您詳細閱讀,本文不定期更新,您若繼續使用「Call Saver APP」,即代表您同意相關此政策。
1. 個人資料之類別
當您使用「Call Saver APP 」(下稱「本APP軟體」)時,本團隊會蒐集下列類別的個人資料:網路IP、手機所屬電信商代碼等,如果您有付費使用到Google Play Store或App Store的應用程式內付費功能,則依照市集平台的系統內建功能,在付費的交易紀錄裡,收集姓名、email、以及郵遞區號資訊。
2. 資料的收集與應用
「Call Saver APP Server 端,有收集下述資料:
(1) 當撥打內建在APP裡的各企業客服電話時,會匿名性記錄撥打次數、時間、所在國家、位置資訊(Location),以統計本APP的使用效益,另未來可能依照此電話號碼做相關加值應用,或者是分析報告統計。
(2) 當您透過網站或者是APP回報意見或問題時,寄信所使用之email。此蒐集目的作為處理問題後,回覆您之用途,不會販賣給第三方使用。
(3) 當您新增自行定義的電話號碼時,若有勾選與社群分享,則所填寫的公司名稱與電話號碼,亦將傳送到Server 端。此資料,將經過篩選後,提供在未來改版,提供給用戶使用。
(4) 當您使用搜尋功能時,所輸入的關鍵字內容。此部份是用來持續強化改善本APP使用,關鍵字亦可用來提供相關連的資訊推薦,或廣告推薦用途。
(5) 本APP有採用Google Analytics,匿名性的收集瀏覽各頁以及撥號紀錄狀況,以持續改善,調整出使用者最喜歡常用的內容。
(6) Google Play 付費,或者App Store 的付費版本,兩平台的市集,會紀錄您的email 、姓名,以及郵遞區號,這些都屬於系統的紀錄,我們不會拿來對外界公開。
(7) 收集手機的裝置代碼 (device ID 或device token ),作為推播訊息使用。
3-1. 第三方函式庫整合
(1) 本APP軟體有採用Google官方的APP流量統計軟體Google Analytics來評估APP各項功能操作的行為,目的是為了改善優化產品,提供更適合用戶偏好喜歡的內容。
(2) 本APP軟體整合行動廣告服務,會使用到第三方廣告系統的函式庫,目前使用 facebook與
mmedia 公司 。
(3) 本APP軟體,查詢在地餐廳、咖啡廳、飲食,採用Yelp API,查詢時,會使用手機拿到的座標經緯度,來搜尋附近推薦店家。
3-2. 關於轉接代碼的確認同意情境
4. 本軟體不會收集的項目
凡是您自行新增之撥打號碼規則,「Call Saver APP」不會做收集,以維護您的個人隱私。
5. 「Call Saver APP」的資料儲存與保護
「Call Saver APP」為方便用戶使用,提供多項個人化設定功能。包含「我的最愛清單 」、「新增撥號規則」。這些都是儲存在手機的記憶體內,請您妥善保管手機。另建議您在新增智慧撥號規則時,不要新增有關個人隱私的資料,譬如:身分證字號、信用卡號、生日等等,以減少手機遺失或遭駭客攻擊時的威脅。
6. 同意個人資料之蒐集、處理、利用或國際傳輸:
7. 除下列情形外,本團隊不會任意將您的個人資料出售、轉讓或揭露予任何第三人:
(1) 本團隊/本APP軟體將因法律規定、法院命令、行政調查或其他法律程序的要求而提供您的資料,惟在此情形下,該資料只會單純提供予調查單位,並受中華民國相關應適用法律的保護。
(2) 為了調查和防止非法活動、涉嫌詐欺、對人身安全有潛在威脅的狀況、對本團隊/本APP軟體服務條款的違反,或為了對上述情形採取應對措施。
(3) 本APP軟體或本團隊被其他公司收購或合併,我們有權利將您的個人資料移轉給該公司。如果發生這種情況,本APP軟體會在您的個人資料被移轉且將適用不同的隱私權政策前通知您。
8. 個人資料之安全
Call Saver 客服省錢通下載:
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cc.callsaver
App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/call-saver-ke-fu-sheng-qian/id612297651?l=zh
Privacy Policy of Call Saver APP
(Updated at June, 2015)
We hereby states the privacy policy of Call Saver APP, please read it carefully and note that the privacy policy might be updated from time to time. If you choose to use “Call Saver APP” after the alteration, this would be deemed to accept the new privacy policy automatically.
1. Type of Personal Data
If you use Call Saver APP (the “APP”), we will collect the following personal information: the IP address, the Mobile Network Code and if you choose to pay the concerning fee through Google Play Store or App Store, your name, email and postcode will be collected from the built-in system of the online payment platform.
2. Data Collection and Application
Call Saver APP collects the following data from the server:
(1) When you dial the built-in customer service number of the APP, the APP will keep records of the frequency, duration, your current country and your current location of the call on an anonymous basis, in order to estimate the efficiency and effectiveness of the APP. We might use the number you dialed for value-added application or analytic and statistical report.
(2) If you report opinions or problems through the website or the APP, the email address used for sending the report will be collected for providing our responses and feedbacks to you, and the email address will not be sale to third party for other purpose.
(3) When you add a self-defined number to the APP and tick the box for sharing in the community, the company name and number provided will be conveyed to the Server and might be prepared for other users after screening in the prospective update.
(4) When you search for a specific number, the inputted keywords will be collected for improving and advancing the APP. The keywords will be further used as the basis in recommending relating information or commercial ads.
(5) The APP also adopts Google Analytics, the record of browsed pages and dialed numbers will be collected anonymously in order to constantly advancing and adjusting the APP to the user’s preference and frequent use content.
(6) If you pay for downloading the APP via Google Play or App Store, these two online stores would collect your email, name and postcode. These data are the record of the system and will not be published or distributed.
(7) The APP will collect the device ID or device token of your phone for the push notification.
3-1 Integration of Third Party’s Library
(1) The APP adopts Google Analytics, the official Google web analytics and reporting software, to evaluate each function of the APP in order to improve and advance our product to provide the better content which meets the users’ preference.
(2) The APP integrates mobile advertising services, and this services will involve third parties’ library of advertising system, the current associates are Facebook and Mmedia.
3-2 The circumstances deemed as a permission relating to redirecting code
The customer service of major corporations, usually record their phone calls for maintaining the quality of their services. According to the requirements in relating personal information protection regulations, during the phone calls the corporation may ask for a permission to record the conversation, if the caller is unwilling to be recorded should hang off the phone or similar questions. In order to track down the customer services personnel directly the APP will automatically provide positive answer to these questions raised by the major corporations. If you have concerns in this regard, please do not make the call through the APP. Instead, you should dial the number on manually in order to listen to the details of auto voice.
4. Items will not be collected by the APP
Any dialing rules newly added by you will not be collected by the APP in order to protect your privacy.
5. Data Storage and Protection of the APP
The App provide several personal setting including “my favorite” and “additional dialing rules”. This information will be stored in the memory chips of the cell phone, so please keep your cell phone safe. And we recommend not to amend sensitive personal data when you added smart dialing rules, such sensitive data as: ID number, credit card number, and birthday in order to lower the potential risk while missing your phone or attacking by hackers.
6. Agree to Collect, Process or Use Personal Data
You acknowledge and agree to authorize us to collect, process or use the personal data you provided under this Privacy Policy and relating regulations.
7. Except for the following circumstances, we will not sale, transfer or reveal your personal data to third party:
(1) We are obliged to provide your personal data under the law, court orders, administrative investigation or other legal procedure. And under these circumstances, such personal date will be only provided for the investigative authority and will be protected under the applicable laws.
(2) For investigating or preventing illegal activities, frauds or potential threats to ones’ safety, or breach of our terms and conditions or our adoption of countermeasures for the abovementioned situation.
(3) If we are subject to a merge or acquisition by other company, we are entitled to transfer your personal data to such company. We will notify you about the transfer of your personal data and the alteration of privacy policy in advance.
8. Safety of Personal Data
We will take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to protect the personal data provided by you under the concerning laws and regulations, and only those employees with practical necessity will be authorized to get access to your personal data. Please noted that although we have taken all the physical, electronic and procedural protective measure according to the laws, we could not guarantee your personal data would not be intercepted, transferred or hacked.
If you have any question concerning the privacy policy, please mail to service@callsaver.cc .
We hereby states the privacy policy of Call Saver APP, please read it carefully and note that the privacy policy might be updated from time to time. If you choose to use “Call Saver APP” after the alteration, this would be deemed to accept the new privacy policy automatically.
1. Type of Personal Data
If you use Call Saver APP (the “APP”), we will collect the following personal information: the IP address, the Mobile Network Code and if you choose to pay the concerning fee through Google Play Store or App Store, your name, email and postcode will be collected from the built-in system of the online payment platform.
2. Data Collection and Application
Call Saver APP collects the following data from the server:
(1) When you dial the built-in customer service number of the APP, the APP will keep records of the frequency, duration, your current country and your current location of the call on an anonymous basis, in order to estimate the efficiency and effectiveness of the APP. We might use the number you dialed for value-added application or analytic and statistical report.
(2) If you report opinions or problems through the website or the APP, the email address used for sending the report will be collected for providing our responses and feedbacks to you, and the email address will not be sale to third party for other purpose.
(3) When you add a self-defined number to the APP and tick the box for sharing in the community, the company name and number provided will be conveyed to the Server and might be prepared for other users after screening in the prospective update.
(4) When you search for a specific number, the inputted keywords will be collected for improving and advancing the APP. The keywords will be further used as the basis in recommending relating information or commercial ads.
(5) The APP also adopts Google Analytics, the record of browsed pages and dialed numbers will be collected anonymously in order to constantly advancing and adjusting the APP to the user’s preference and frequent use content.
(6) If you pay for downloading the APP via Google Play or App Store, these two online stores would collect your email, name and postcode. These data are the record of the system and will not be published or distributed.
(7) The APP will collect the device ID or device token of your phone for the push notification.
3-1 Integration of Third Party’s Library
(1) The APP adopts Google Analytics, the official Google web analytics and reporting software, to evaluate each function of the APP in order to improve and advance our product to provide the better content which meets the users’ preference.
(2) The APP integrates mobile advertising services, and this services will involve third parties’ library of advertising system, the current associates are Facebook and Mmedia.
3-2 The circumstances deemed as a permission relating to redirecting code
The customer service of major corporations, usually record their phone calls for maintaining the quality of their services. According to the requirements in relating personal information protection regulations, during the phone calls the corporation may ask for a permission to record the conversation, if the caller is unwilling to be recorded should hang off the phone or similar questions. In order to track down the customer services personnel directly the APP will automatically provide positive answer to these questions raised by the major corporations. If you have concerns in this regard, please do not make the call through the APP. Instead, you should dial the number on manually in order to listen to the details of auto voice.
4. Items will not be collected by the APP
Any dialing rules newly added by you will not be collected by the APP in order to protect your privacy.
5. Data Storage and Protection of the APP
The App provide several personal setting including “my favorite” and “additional dialing rules”. This information will be stored in the memory chips of the cell phone, so please keep your cell phone safe. And we recommend not to amend sensitive personal data when you added smart dialing rules, such sensitive data as: ID number, credit card number, and birthday in order to lower the potential risk while missing your phone or attacking by hackers.
6. Agree to Collect, Process or Use Personal Data
You acknowledge and agree to authorize us to collect, process or use the personal data you provided under this Privacy Policy and relating regulations.
7. Except for the following circumstances, we will not sale, transfer or reveal your personal data to third party:
(1) We are obliged to provide your personal data under the law, court orders, administrative investigation or other legal procedure. And under these circumstances, such personal date will be only provided for the investigative authority and will be protected under the applicable laws.
(2) For investigating or preventing illegal activities, frauds or potential threats to ones’ safety, or breach of our terms and conditions or our adoption of countermeasures for the abovementioned situation.
(3) If we are subject to a merge or acquisition by other company, we are entitled to transfer your personal data to such company. We will notify you about the transfer of your personal data and the alteration of privacy policy in advance.
8. Safety of Personal Data
We will take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to protect the personal data provided by you under the concerning laws and regulations, and only those employees with practical necessity will be authorized to get access to your personal data. Please noted that although we have taken all the physical, electronic and procedural protective measure according to the laws, we could not guarantee your personal data would not be intercepted, transferred or hacked.
If you have any question concerning the privacy policy, please mail to service@callsaver.cc .
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